Installing Flash 10 on Solaris 10 (x86) for mozilla
(too old to reply)
2011-05-01 16:12:41 UTC
Hello there.

I am having trouble doing the install, and wonder if anyone else
has had the same problem.

My mozilla config is :

Welcome to Mozilla 1.7 for Sun Java™ Desktop System
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20060120

I have installed the libflashplayer.so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins.
Restarting mozilla, and flash no longer works.

Help/About Plug-ins says the browser is configured to use Flash 9.

Removing the pluginreg.dat file, and restarting the browser to
autogen the file, and now there is no plugin info for Flash.

If I revert back to the Flash 9 .so file and restart, mozilla
accepts the .so file, autogens the plugin data correctly, and
Flash 9 is again working.

The only other point of note is that on x86 prior to Flash 10,
there is/was a flashplayer.xpt file that was also part of the
release, and had to be installed in the same dir as the .so file.
No such file exists for Flash 10.

I am at a loss as to what to do. :-(
I also have firefox, but it too appears to be referencing the
same .so file as mozilla does.

Is there some file I can edit/remove to force mozilla +/- firefox
to re-read/generate its config to recognise/accept the Flash 10
.so file ??

Any info would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
John D Groenveld
2011-05-01 17:41:49 UTC
Post by Usenet
I am having trouble doing the install, and wonder if anyone else
has had the same problem.
Welcome to Mozilla 1.7 for Sun Java™ Desktop System
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20060120
I have installed the libflashplayer.so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins.
Restarting mozilla, and flash no longer works.
Help/About Plug-ins says the browser is configured to use Flash 9.
Does it work if you rename your .mozilla directory, install Oracle's
SFWfirefox 3.6.17 package and place Adobe Flash 10.2.159's
libflashplayer.so in /opt/sfw/lib/firefox/plugins?

Cydrome Leader
2011-05-04 16:15:06 UTC
Post by John D Groenveld
Post by Usenet
I am having trouble doing the install, and wonder if anyone else
has had the same problem.
Welcome to Mozilla 1.7 for Sun Java? Desktop System
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20060120
I have installed the libflashplayer.so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins.
Restarting mozilla, and flash no longer works.
Help/About Plug-ins says the browser is configured to use Flash 9.
Does it work if you rename your .mozilla directory, install Oracle's
SFWfirefox 3.6.17 package and place Adobe Flash 10.2.159's
libflashplayer.so in /opt/sfw/lib/firefox/plugins?
I just installed firefox4 for solaris in /opt/firefox4 or something like
that, then downloaded the flash 10 plugin into /opt/firefox/plugins (which
I had to create) and it worked.

I could not get that plugin to work with firefox 3, soI deleted it and
just installed 4. it seems ok now.

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