Post by Barry OGradyOn Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:17:57 -0700 (PDT), happytoday
Post by happytodayHow can I transfer whole directory with its subdirectories ?
Still I need to a file transfer protocol between windows and Solaris
other than ftp. Something like rcp but between windows and Solaris .
What's wrong with FTP?
The following:
- insecure, plain text passwords for starters.
- does not traverve many "cheap" firewalls
- Microsoft's version is brain dead, see passive versiuse active.
- Many Microsoft sites don't configure their firewalls property to the
brain dead MS FTP server.
Download putty, place the pscp.exe in the \Windows directory, then copy
IF you are on a home network and it is not wide open on the internet,
use Samaba. Maps a drive fast, in fact faster than Microsoft servers on
the same hardware.
The bigger government gets, the more it tends to rule out common sense.